GAO: Early look at fed’s “Einstein 3” security weapon finds challenges

Editor’s Note: GAO’s testimony, INFORMATION SECURITY: Cyber Threats and Data Breaches Illustrate Need for Stronger Controls across Federal Agencies  (GAO-15-758T) is available here.

From: Network World

GAO: Information security incidents reported by federal agencies have risen from 5,503 in fiscal year 2006 to 67,168 in 2014.


When it comes to the government protecting all manner of state and personal information, the feds can use all the help it can get.

One of the most effective tools the government has is the National Cybersecurity Protection System (NCPS), known as “EINSTEIN.” In a nutshell EINSTEIN is a suite of technologies intended to detect and prevent malicious network traffic from entering and exiting federal civilian government networks.

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