AGA Helping Industry Tackle Cybersecurity Threats

From: NGI’s Daily Gas Price Index

Charlie Passut

In an interview with NGI, AGA CEO Dave McCurdy said FERC Chairman Norman Bay was pleased to hear some of the initiatives undertaken by AGA and its member companies. Bay spoke before the Natural Gas Roundtable in Washington last Tuesday. He spent a good portion of his keynote speech urging the industry to take cybersecurity threats seriously (see Daily GPIJuly 21).


“We’re working with a natural gas infrastructure, and there are a lot of safety regulations that we must comply with,” said Kimberly Denbow, AGA engineering services director. “We have a lot of backup systems, redundancies and fail-safe mechanisms that are not only put in place because it’s smart business, but also because they may be required by regulations. So we are able to have an environment in our operating network that supports even greater layers of defense. It’s not like other parts of the energy sector, where a flick of the switch and things get turned off. We’re not set up like that from an operations perspective.”

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