GAO: Data Act — Progress Made in Initial Implementation but Challenges Must be Addressed as Efforts Proceed

Editor’s Note: The following are excerpts from the Statement of Gene L. Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States before the House Subcommittees on Information Technology and Government Operations, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. The complete statement is available here.

From: GAO

Recommendation for Executive Action

To ensure that federal program spending data are provided to the public in a transparent, useful, and timely manner, we recommend that the Director of OMB accelerate efforts to determine how best to merge DATA Act purposes and requirements with the GPRAMA requirement to produce a federal program inventory.


To ensure that the integrity of data standards is maintained over time, we recommend that the Director of OMB, in collaboration with the Secretary of the Treasury, establish a set of clear policies and processes for developing and maintaining data standards that are consistent with leading practices for data governance.


To ensure that interested parties’ concerns are addressed as implementation efforts continue, we recommend that the Director of OMB, in collaboration with the Secretary of the Treasury, build on existing efforts and put in place policies and procedures to foster ongoing and effective two-way dialogue with stakeholders including timely and substantive responses to feedback received on the Federal Spending Transparency GitHub website.

Read Complete Statement


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