Labor Department Ignored Cybersecurity Warnings For Years, Says Inspector General

Editor’s Note: Does the following mean that IG’s need authority to enforce their recommendations?

From: HNGN

The IG “has repeatedly recommended DOL improve this important control to prevent unauthorized access to DOL systems and applications,” the report said.

By Taylor Tyler

The Department of Labor’s inspector general said Tuesday that the department has ignored numerous warnings and still has several gaps in its cybersecurity system, leaving sensitive information vulnerable to hackers.

Some of the gaps were first identified three years ago, the report said. “In light of recent events involving serious breaches of government data systems, this memorandum highlights three significant deficiencies that have been repeatedly identified in our reports on the Department of Labor’s (DOL) information security program. DOL must make it a high priority to mitigate these serious security vulnerabilities to its information systems.”

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