Report on Strategic U.S. Government Engagement in International Standardization to Achieve U.S. Objectives for Cybersecurity

Editor’s Note: See the CircleID article, Why OIRA Needs to Coordinate Federal Cyber Security Regulation.

From: NIST

NISTIR 8074 Volume 1 (Draft)

Editors: Michael Hogan, Elaine Newton


This report sets out proposed United States Government (USG) strategic objectives for pursuing the development and use of international standards for cybersecurity and makes recommendations to achieve those objectives. The recommendations cover interagency coordination, collaboration with the U.S. private sector and international partners, agency participation in international standards development, standards training and education, use of international standards to achieve mission and policy objectives, and other issues. NISTIR 8074 Volume 2, Supplemental Information for the Report on Strategic U.S. Government Engagement in International Standardization to Achieve U.S. Objectives for Cybersecurity provides additional background on international cybersecurity standardization.


Recommendation 1: Ensuring USG Coordination
  • The USG should institute a high-level interagency coordination process for cybersecurity standardization.

o An Executive Office of the President (EOP) interagency policymaking body would provide the proper level of authority to oversee such a coordination process.

o The U.S. Department of Commerce would host a subordinate interagency working group–the International Cybersecurity Standardization Working Group–on behalf of the EOP interagency policymaking body. Such a group would be comprised of senior Federal cybersecurity officials with the expertise and bandwidth to develop and implement a comprehensive set of objectives and strategies, and to coordinate on major issues in standardization before and as they arise. Major policy decisions and areas of significant disagreement could then be brought to the EOP body.

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