Auto industry urged to set cybersecurity standards to avoid regulation

Editor’s Note: The setting of American automotive cyber security standards needs to be coordinated with our trading partners. See, Cyber Security Regulation as a Potential Technical Barrier to Trade: An Example.

From: The Global Legal Post

By Neasa MacErlean

The head of the US roads safety body has called on the auto sector to put its own standards in place – to reduce the risk of hackers taking control of the wheel when drivers are on the road.

The industry is seen as not having taken enough steps to reduce the problem. A recent study from KPMG said that the average new car has more code – and therefore more entry points for hackers – than a Boeing 787. The average car has 40 to 59 computers that use 20 million lines of code. Setting standards in the sector – bringing together lawyers, regulators, IT specialists and mechanics – could be a gigantic undertaking. Mark Rosekind, head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, has made the suggestion.

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