Automakers form alliance to bolster cybersecurity

From: Automotive News

Industry to open anti-hacking hub


Through the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers and the Association of Global Automakers, automakers are working to establish an Information Sharing and Analysis Center to act as a secure, industrywide clearinghouse for intelligence about cyberthreats to vehicles and their networks. It would also facilitate sharing of best practices for how to safeguard against and respond to threats.


“Is it dire right now? I wouldn’t say so, but now is the time to form the ISAC so the infrastructure and trust is there when they need an ISAC,” said Denise Anderson, chair of the National Council of ISACs and a former vice president of the financial services industry’s ISAC. “You don’t want to be caught unprepared. Health care is being heavily targeted right now, but in the past they weren’t.”

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