Blog: OMB’s Cybersecurity Implementation Plan Should Measure Agency Resilience


By Ray Rothrock and J. Wayne Lloyd

Following the distressing headlines that cataloged repeated cyber breaches of U.S. federal computer networks—some that compromised the personal data of millions of people—government officials have implemented a patchwork of safeguards to shore up vulnerabilities, including the identification of high value assets.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently released a memo, the Cybersecurity Implementation Plan (CSIP) for Federal Civilian Agencies, which provides a multi-step plan for agencies to identify their high value assets. The CSIP was driven by findings from the first 30-day cybersecurity sprint, launched this summer by the White House, that in turn drove creation of the CSIP, which mandates federal agencies examine and run necessary patches on IT networks. The changes were prompted by the massive breaches of the Office of Personnel Management systems.

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