IoT security: not ripe for regulation

Editor’s Note: Ready or not, the FCC is starting to regulate the IoT by requiring that it be left unlocked.

From: The Hill | Congress Blog

Media reports regularly offer frightening stories about security vulnerabilities in the emerging “Internet of Things,” from the hack of a Jeep to the specter of bad guys accessing “smart homes” or exploiting industrial IoT to compromise utilities.

Not surprisingly, regulators are focusing on security, both in industry verticals (think medical devices and cars) and more generally.  The Federal Trade Commission identified cybersecurity issues related to consumer-facing IoT, and proposed possible best practices.  The White House, through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, is asking for input by May 23 on various aspects of IoT, including cybersecurity concerns and whether IoT security is somehow unique.  Congress is looking closely at IoT as well, wary of regulation but concerned about consumers.

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