How to hack the hackers: The human side of cybercrime

From: Nature

As cyberattacks grow ever more sophisticated, those who defend against them are embracing behavioural science and economics to understand both the perpetrators and their victims.

M. Mitchell Waldrop


Increasingly, researchers and security experts are realizing that they cannot meet this challenge just by building higher and stronger digital walls around everything. They have to look inside the walls, where human errors, such as choosing a weak password or clicking on a dodgy e-mail, are implicated in nearly one-quarter of all cybersecurity failures2. They also have to look outwards, tracing the underground economy that supports the hackers and finding weak points that are vulnerable to counterattack.

“We’ve had too many computer scientists looking at cybersecurity, and not enough psychologists, economists and human-factors people,” says Douglas Maughan, head of cybersecurity research at the US Department of Homeland Security.

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