G7 Lobbies For Better Cybersecurity Solutions By October 2016

From: TheMerkle

Cybersecurity remains a major concern, and now that the G7 is getting involved in the discussion, changes may be coming very soon. Thinking this issue will go away on its own will yield even more worrying results than right now, and undertaking action is the only course available.
G7 Wants A Proper Cybersecurity Framework

A lot of people are getting concerned over the recent string of cyber attacks against the financial sector. Even the Group of Seven, who represent the seven leading advanced economies of the world, have expressed their concern regarding these matters, and actively advocate for an improved cybersecurity solution.

In fact, the topic of cybersecurity was moved to the top of priority list during last week’s G7 meeting in Japan. Given the wide variety of institutions and countries involved in the financial sector, there is no time to waste. Waiting for the perfect cybersecurity solution is not the approach anyone should embrace right now, and the threats will not go away either.

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