Opinion: Big Data can lead to big legal problems for companies

From: MarketWatch

Algorithms can perpetuate, and even amplify, racial biases by screening out certain groups

By Christine E. Lyon & Mary Race


But if it’s not handled with care, Big Data has the potential to turn into a big problem. Increasingly, regulators like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) are cautioning that the use of Big Data might perpetuate and even amplify societal biases by screening out certain groups from opportunities for employment, credit or other forms of advancement. To achieve the full potential of Big Data, and mitigate the risks, it is important to address the potential for “disparate impact.”

Disparate impact is a well-established legal theory under which companies can be held liable for discrimination for what might seem like neutral business practices, such as methods of screening candidates or consumers. If these practices have a disproportionate adverse impact on individuals based on race, age, gender or other protected characteristics, a company may find itself liable for unlawful discrimination even if it had no idea that its practices were discriminatory. In cases involving disparate impact, plaintiffs do not have to show that a defendant company intended to discriminate — just that its policies or actions had the discriminatory effect of excluding protected classes of people from key opportunities.

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