10 Years After: FERC Conference Focuses on Grid Resiliency

Editor’s Note: See statement of Professor Anna Scaglione before FERC here.

From: RTO Insider

By Rory Sweeney

While FERC’s technical conference last week was ostensibly focused on reliability, resiliency became the theme as many panelists agreed: It’s not possible to avoid a major grid disruption forever (AD16-15).


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Patricia Hoffman, the Energy Department’s assistant secretary for electricity delivery and energy reliability, said the growing impact of distributed energy resources has created new needs. “The need for new metrics, new kinds of data and new data-sharing protocols is just as important at the distribution level as at the bulk-power level,” she said. “In fact, this need is probably more challenging than at the bulk-power level, if only because we are starting from a less developed base.

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