Will FCC Net Neutrality Requirements Strangle 5G In Its Crib?

From: Broadcasting & Cable

FCC 5G Vote Draws Crowd of Admirers
Commenters agree on need for more spectrum

By John Eggerton

The FCC’s vote to free up spectrum for 5G and come up with a flexible regulatory framework for new services drew a crowd of approving commenters Thursday following its approval at the FCC’s open meeting.


“The Commission’s actions today are a substantial step forward in laying the groundwork for the next generation of wireless technologies. It is encouraging to see the Commission recognize that the same values which apply to our next-generation wireline networks — universal access, competition, consumer protection, and public safety — are equally relevant to the next generation of wireless platforms,” said John Gasparini, policy fellow at Public Knowledge. “We applaud the FCC for including a spectrum aggregation limit to promote competition, a requirement for a cybersecurity plan to protect the public, and performance obligations designed to bring the benefits of 5G to all Americans.

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