GM Arrogance Spurred Government to Fund Auto Hacking

From: Yahoo Tech

Paul Wagenseil

BROOKLYN, NY — The famous freeway hack of a Jeep Cherokee in 2013 was set into motion partly because General Motors executives told the government they wouldn’t fix security vulnerabilities in vehicular computer systems unless the government made them do it, a former Defense Department official said at the Summercon 2016 hacker conference here today (July 15).

Peiter Zatko, also known as Mudge, created a program called Cyber Fast Track while he worked at the Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency (DARPA) from 2010 to 2013. He said in his keynote address at Summercon that GM executives had asked him and his colleagues whether DARPA had any secret research findings that might help GM compete not only against foreign car makers, but against domestic rivals Ford and Chrysler as well.

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