Federal digital strategy misses April release deadline

From: FierceGovernmentIT

No new deadline for the strategy

By Molly Bernhart Walker

The governmentwide digital strategy the Office of Management and Budget said it would unveil in April isn’t ready yet, said Federal Deputy Chief Information Officer Lisa Schlosser at an April 26 ACT-IAC event in Washington, D.C.

“I hate to say that we haven’t met a deadline. However, in this case, there’s a really good reason why we’re pushing this out just a little bit,” said Schlosser.

Schlosser did not set a new deadline for the digital strategy’s release. This is the second time OMB has pushed the strategy back.

Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel said in January that a federal mobility strategy would be out in March. Then in March, the Office of Management and Budget confirmed that the federal mobility strategy release would be pushed to April, as it was morphing into a broader, “digital government strategy” combined with dot-gov reform efforts.

Schlosser also said the forthcoming strategy won’t be a “final version.”

“This will be version one of the digital strategy. I’m sure we’ll learn as we go along. I’m sure we’ll incorporate new practices,” she said.

“The extra time that we’re taking to do this right and tackle it the right way so we institutionalize what we’re doing and kind of embrace this in a better, more coherent way is going to produce a really great strategy,” said Schlosser.

She went on to say that the strategy will address how government information can be built from the beginning in a way that enables sharing through a variety of channels.

Schlosser said just because agencies have flat and declining budgets does not mean they get a pass– all agencies must innovate with less. She said programs like OMB’s recently-launched Portfolio Stat can help identify areas to cut waste and duplication, “so we have the opportunity to free up capital to embrace, to optimize the use of some of these digital strategy-type tenants.”

For more:
listen to Schlosser’s address

Read more: Federal digital strategy misses April release deadline – FierceGovernmentIT http://www.fiercegovernmentit.com/story/federal-digital-strategy-misses-april-release-deadline/2012-04-30?utm_medium=nl&utm_source=internal#ixzz1tYGIhNtf
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Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel said in January that a federal mobility strategy would be out in March. Then in March, the Office of Management and Budget confirmed that the federal mobility strategy release would be pushed to April, as it was morphing into a broader, “digital government strategy” combined with dot-gov reform efforts.

Schlosser also said the forthcoming strategy won’t be a “final version.”

“This will be version one of the digital strategy. I’m sure we’ll learn as we go along. I’m sure we’ll incorporate new practices,” she said.

“The extra time that we’re taking to do this right and tackle it the right way so we institutionalize what we’re doing and kind of embrace this in a better, more coherent way is going to produce a really great strategy,” said Schlosser.

She went on to say that the strategy will address how government information can be built from the beginning in a way that enables sharing through a variety of channels.

Schlosser said just because agencies have flat and declining budgets does not mean they get a pass– all agencies must innovate with less. She said programs like OMB’s recently-launched Portfolio Stat can help identify areas to cut waste and duplication, “so we have the opportunity to free up capital to embrace, to optimize the use of some of these digital strategy-type tenants.”

For more:
listen to Schlosser’s address


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