Automotive Industry Organization Releases Recommended Cybersecurity Best Practices

From: Lexology

Kathryn C. Mellinger

Auto-ISAC is not alone in its efforts to address potential cybersecurity risks imposed by connected vehicles. As we have previously discussed, in 2015 legislators introduced the SPY Car Act, which requires automakers to meet certain vehicle data security standards to combat potential hacking threats. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) notes that it has been researching and testing vehicle communications for over a decade. In addition, through the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office, the DOT has worked to fund almost $25 million in cyber security research between 2012 and 2014. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) also published information relating to its comprehensive approach to vehicle cybersecurity.

The Best Practices continue these efforts by promoting a self-regulation framework within the industry for vehicle cybersecurity. The Best Practices outlined by Auto-ISAC include:

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