National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) Update

From: NIST

Dear NSTIC Stakeholders,

We’ve had a busy spring as we move forward with implementing the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) – and wanted up update you on the latest news.

  • The inaugural NSTIC pilot program generated a ton of interest, with NIST receiving 186 abbreviated proposals for the pilots. Of these, 27 proposals were down-selected as finalists, and proposals from these finalists are due to NIST on May 10. We remain on pace to award 5-8 pilot projects this August that will advance the Identity Ecosystem.
  • Separately, we are getting close to announcing the recipient of an award for an organization to serve as the convener and Secretariat of the soon-to-be-created Identity Ecosystem Steering Group. NIST received 12 proposals earlier this month, and we are currently evaluating each to determine which proposer has the best solution.
  • In advance of the formation of the Steering Group, we are pleased today to release a discussion draft of By-laws for the group. As many of you know, this past February, NIST released its Recommendations for Establishing an Identity Ecosystem Governance Structure, which included a Recommended Charter for the Steering Group. NIST also held a March 15th workshop to review these documents with the public.

    A common theme from many workshop attendees was: “we want more details.” For as detailed as our recommendations and charter were, they were not comprehensive.

    This was by design: with the NSTIC stating that implementation of the Identity Ecosystem should be led by the private sector, we specifically opted to focus only on those recommendations which we deemed essential – and left some items open, with the idea being that the Steering Group itself would later flesh out some the details. That said, many attendees asked when and if work on By-laws would begin for the Identity Ecosystem Steering Group.

    To that end – today we released a “discussion draft” of Identity Ecosystem Steering Group By-laws. Unlike the previous document – which represented the government’s formal recommendations – these draft By-laws are simply that, a draft. They were produced by our office solely to catalyze discussions among NSTIC stakeholders and, we hope, accelerate the work of the Identity Ecosystem Steering Group when it formally convenes in the months ahead.

    By releasing this draft now – in advance of a grant award for the Steering Group Secretariat – we are looking to “open source” the document. Many stakeholders have expressed an interest in weighing in on the bylaws topic; today’s release simply represents the first paper on the table. We look forward to further discussion with the broad community of NSTIC stakeholders.

The next few months will be important ones for NSTIC, as the pilots and governance structure we’ve all been talking about finally move forward, and the Identity Ecosystem begins to take shape. We appreciate your efforts in support of NSTIC, and we look forward to working with you in the months to come.  

Jeremy Grant
Senior Executive Advisor, Identity Management


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