Wheeler Suggests FCC Will Play Bigger Role in Cybersecurity

Editor’s Note: The FCC will be playing an increasing role in cybersecurity, the question is whether it will be a helpful role. See CRE’s comments in the Commission’s set-top box rulemaking, Is the FCC Inviting the World’s Cyber Criminals into America’s Living Rooms?

From: Morning Consult

Amir Nasr

In a digital age that’s becoming increasingly dependent on computer systems and wireless networks, the Federal Communications Commission will have to become more involved in promoting cybersecurity through regulation, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler said in a speech last night.

“The national security has never been more closely connected to our networks – and thus the activities of the Commission – than it is today,” Wheeler said at the Aspen Institute’s Communication Policy Conference in Colorado. “Attacks are not just the provenance of nation-states; our networks can be assaulted by anyone with a connection. As the agency responsible for the nation’s networks, the FCC cannot ignore this reality.”

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