Topic Teardown: Fed’s Robo-Car Policy

From: EE | Times

Junko Yoshida

PARIS — It’s been a week since the Department of Transportation unveiled its ground-breaking policy on autonomous cars. Pretty soon, we expect reality to start sinking in among the auto industry experts who are presumably digesting the DoT’s 116-page document.
There are still 50-some odd days to file comments on the new rules.


 Protests are likely against the DoT’s demand for pre-market approval for autonomous cars, regulations on post-sale software updates, the inclusion of cybersecurity measures in vehicles, suggestions on data recording/sharing, and on fall-back minimum risk conditions.

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One response to “Topic Teardown: Fed’s Robo-Car Policy”

  1. The development of self-driving cars has prompted new discussions around regulations and policies to ensure the safety and effectiveness of this emerging technology. Recently, the Federal government has released new guidelines for the testing and deployment of autonomous vehicles, known as the Fed’s Robo-Car Policy. As this policy continues to evolve, companies like red rocks car service are taking proactive steps to ensure that their fleet of luxury vehicles remains up-to-date with the latest safety features and technologies. By prioritizing safety and investing in ongoing training and development, Red Rocks Car Service is leading the way in providing a premium chauffeured experience that is both luxurious and secure.

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