Commentary: Don’t adopt ‘overregulate ’em all’ strategy on game apps


By Anne Hobson

After 74 days on the market, Pokemon Go last week lost the top revenue spot in Apple’s U.S. app store to Clash Royale, although it remains the highest-grossing app in Google’s Play store. While it may not be attracting as much revenue, Pokemon Go certainly has attracted more regulatory scrutiny than traditional mobile gaming apps like Clash of Clans or Candy Crush.


The reaction indicates that health and safety, privacy, and cybersecurity are three likely areas of potential future regulation when it comes to augmented reality. My paper “Reality Check: The Regulatory Landscape for Virtual and Augmented Reality,” goes into further depth on these issue areas and a few more, including free expression, intellectual property, and concerns with e-commerce. I argue that introducing AR-specific legislation would be a mistake. The threat of lawsuits, bans, and regulatory red tape would prevent experimentation in an industry where transformative applications of AR are still emerging.

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