Should Insecure IoT Devices Be Banned?

Editor’s Note: Also see, Problems Reappear for IoT Devices Owners with Discovery of New DDoS Trojan.

From: Government Technology

After the Mirai botnet was recently used to bring down large portions of cyberspace, there have been new calls for regulating Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Since the voluntary IoT security approach is clearly failing, what can we expect moving forward? Are better standards needed? Should government mandate more security for IoT devices for consumer protection? Let’s explore.

by Dan Lohrmann

After plenty of talk and minimal action on securing new Internet of Things (IoT) devices for several years, many security and technology industry experts knew this was coming.

Indeed, a majority in the security community have been predicting this outcome — with 2016 security predictions from last year full of examples of IoT troubles ahead. The message to global manufacturers: “Get your IoT house in order, or else. …”

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