Breaking the tech policy logjam wrought in Congress

From: The Hill


Our model is clear: In 2004, my former think tank, The Progress & Freedom Foundation, convened scholars on the left and right to explore how to re-write American telecom law. This remarkably diverse group included not only free marketeers but also Howard Shelanski, now President Obama’s regulatory czar, and Clinton allies. Together, the two sides produced a clear vision for reforming the FCC to work more like the FTC: the Digital Age Communications Act. That may or may not be where Congress winds up now, but the underlying process is proven.

So we’re inviting policy experts and academics across the political spectrum to join us in exploring eight critical questions:

  1. Broadband: How to promote deployment, adoption and competition?
  2. Net neutrality: How to resolve this issue?
  3. FCC: Does sector-specific regulation still make sense? If so, how should it work?
  4. FTC: How should the de facto Technology Commission be updated?
  5. Data flows: An “open” Internet means data flows freely around the world. How do we keep digital trade open?
  6. Security & Privacy: How can we balance competing privacy and cybersecurity goals?
  7. Disruption: How to regulate emerging technology while protecting consumers?
  8. Internet Freedom: How can the U.S. retain its moral authority to steer Internet governance, and how can American companies remain market leaders?

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