In a Cybersecurity Vendor War, the End User Loses

From: DarkReading

When vulnerability information is disclosed without a patch available, users are the ones really being punished.

Rarely do you see corporations clash over vulnerability disclosures. It’s almost an unwritten rule that a business wouldn’t participate in improper vulnerability disclosures, but Google has decided to go head-to-head with Microsoft in the release of information after 90 days of initial notification, even though Microsoft has acknowledged the flaw and scheduled an update.

Although this type of activity is common for researchers, it looks like Google has decided to pick a fight with Redmond and wants vulnerabilities patched faster. In addition, Google went on the offensive, disclosing it successfully and reliably cracked SHA1 and discovered a major coding flaw dubbed Cloudbleed in Cloudflare hosting services. The latter is responsible for the leakage of sensitive data across websites that are hosted by Cloudflare services.

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