Blockchain Regulation in the Securities Industry: still many unanswered Questions!

From: Finextra

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

One of the obstacles for massive adoption of blockchain technology is the lack of clarity from regulators. Regulators world-wide have long time taken a wait-and-see attitude towards blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) (see my Blog ā€œBlockchain and Regulation: do no stiffle …. April 4, 2016). But that is changing. Regulators across the globe have turned their attention and are now considering how existing regulations may (or may not!) accommodate the development of new distributed ledger technologies. This growing interest shows that it is becoming all the more serious for regulators in the securities industry that blockchain is coming to reality and that this asks for a more closer look at this technology.

Since the start of 2017 a number of regulatory organisations including ESMA (EU), FINRA (US) and IOSCO (Global) have launched reports asking for answers to meet the various challenges of blockchain or distributed ledger technology in the securities industry.

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