Why We Need Encryption Now More than Ever

From: The Regulatory Review | A Publication of the Penn Program on Regulation


Innovative Internet companies do not build trust in a vacuum, however. They rely on sound and fair public policies that allow them to start up, scale up, and grow. Furthermore, they need to work with governments toward this shared economic goal. The U.S. government has shown global leadership in this regard. For the most part, over the past several decades, this leadership meant simply stepping aside and allowing the internet industry to innovate, free from unnecessary regulations. In fact, our government did such a good job stewarding the Internet through its infancy that today’s commercial Internet represents at least 6 percent of our gross domestic product.

But we cannot take this number for granted. To the contrary, now, more than ever, we need government and industry to work together to keep this number growing so that the Internet can continue to be the great American export of the 21st century.

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