Blockchain a ‘Next Big Transformational Technology’ in Government

From: Government Technology

In a new brief, NASCIO said blockchain — now the subject of five pilots by the state of Illinois — may be a game changer.


Blockchain is among the “next big, transformational technologies” being eyed for use by government in its ongoing quest to provide residents with easy, online access to services and transactions, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) said in an introductory brief released Tuesday, May 16.

The encrypted digital recording of a transaction or event via a shared “incorruptible” ledger is not currently in common usage among public agencies. But in Blockchains: Moving Digital Government Forward in the States, NASCIO authors forecast change, citing a survey of 19 state CIOs and singling out the state of Illinois, which is analyzing and in various stages of implementing five blockchain pilots, an official confirmed.

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