Regulation and cyber attacks – a perfect storm for SaaS

From: Diginomica

A confluence of regulation and cyber attacks make the case for cloud based ERP aka SaaS an inevitable requirement.

Keep an eye on the SaaS or software as a service market. If I am right, it’s about to get hot. SaaS has been with us for all of this century and it has often been an approach that smaller companies or departments of larger ones have used to avail themselves of fantastically functional applications they couldn’t afford to purchase any other way.

The recent awful news about a global cyber attack that killed or crippled businesses as diverse as healthcare in the UK, and auto manufacturing at Renault and that continues roiling Asia might in the future be regarded as the tipping point that sent enterprises scurrying to the cloud. To be sure enterprises have been avid users of cloud computing for a long time but the immovable object of enterprise IT has been a company’s ERP system. Availability of good, cheap, secure, ERP in the cloud might be the irresistible force, especially if you add in security and the changes to revenue recognition best practices the accounting boards have mandated.

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