“federal cybersecurity professionals, are under high levels of stress.”

From: HomelandSecurityToday.US

Report Reveals Cybersecurity Professionals in Vital Industries Don’t Trust What Their Tools are Telling Them


Jones said, “In addition to these challenges, agencies must maintain compliance with the increasing number of cybersecurity requirements all the while being underfunded and under resourced.”

“For these reasons,” he said, “federal cybersecurity professionals, are under high levels of stress. The report shows the need for agencies to prioritize their actions and investments based on mission impact, not criticality. They need a system of record that tells them which threat alerts to investigate each day based on those that, if successful, could cause the most damage to the agency due to the value of the asset under attack. They should also have an automated method to qualify threat alerts before they are sent to investigators. Application owners who govern the assets under attack should provide input into whether the unusual activity was business justified. If the response is ‘no’ then the alert should be bumped to the top of the investigative pile.”

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One response to ““federal cybersecurity professionals, are under high levels of stress.””

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