University Labs Put Cybersecurity Under the Microscope

From: Government Technology

Three professors who are experts in cybersecurity discuss what’s going on in the research field and where it’s headed.



More than 80 universities around the country have cybersecurity degree programs, but a handful are conducting advanced research in the topic. Schools like Carnegie Mellon, Johns Hopkins, Indiana, Syracuse, Nebraska-Omaha and Florida State are among a cadre of top-tier universities that are attracting some of the best minds to delve into cybersecurity research.

To find out what is going on in the field of cybersecurity research and where it is headed, Government Technology spoke with three renowned professors who are experts in the field of cybersecurity: Deepak Khazanchi, associate dean of Academic Affairs for the University of Nebraska at Omaha; Professor Shiu-Kai Chin of Syracuse University; and Professor Xiuwen Liu of Florida State University.

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3 responses to “University Labs Put Cybersecurity Under the Microscope”

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