How to Recover From Cyber Incidents in Government

From: Government Technology

What actions do organizations need to take prepare for cybersecurity incidents? The National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) has answers in Special Publication (SP) 800-184, entitled: “Guide for Cybersecurity Event Recovery.” Here’s an exclusive interview with one of the authors.



Many of Mike’s answers on ransomware and other cyber incidents referenced NIST SP 800-184, which is a guide that came out in December 2016 regarding cybersecurity event response and recovery. The title of the document is: “Guide for Cybersecurity Event Recovery.”

“The purpose of this document is to support organizations in a technology-neutral way in improving their cyber event recovery plans, processes, and procedures, with the goal of resuming normal operations more quickly. This document extends, and does not replace, existing federal guidelines regarding incident response by providing actionable information specifically on preparing for cyber event recovery and achieving continuous improvement of recovery capabilities. It points readers to existing guidance for recovery of information technology.”




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