The Increasing Vulnerability of the US to Cyber Attacks

Editors Note: We report on vulnerabilities to our infrastructure as a result of cyber attacks; we are also concerned about the diminishing resources available at the Washington Post for in-depth investigations.

 There are differences of opinion as to whether a federal solution is needed to address our increasingly vulnerability to cyber attacks. However there should be little debate over the fact that our critical infrastructure is at an  increasing risk.

 In a landmark article in the Washington Post on Monday June 4, 2012 titled “Everyday machines vulnerable to hacking” written by Robert O’Harrow, Jr., he states:

…” any anonymous hacker who calls himself prOf is a bright, unemployed 22-year-old who favors hoodie sweatshirts and lives in his parents’  home somewhere overseas.  ..The hacker navigated to the machine’s Internet address.  When prompted to identify himself as an approved operator, he knew just what to do. He typed in the default password: three simple digits.  A moment later, he was at the controls of a water plant that serves 16,000 Texans.

Read the article


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