Approaches to International Cyberlaw: A View from Israel

From: Lawfare

By Matthew Waxman, Yuval Shany

It’s not often that we come away from international law workshops most impressed and inspired by methodological debates. But that was our common takeaway of a recent Hebrew University Cyber Security Research Center on the Tallinn Manuals on Cyber Operations.  Before sharing our thoughts, we’d like to underscore that Yuval Shany is the director of the Hebrew University Cyber Security Research Center and Matt Waxman is an external advisor.

The workshop—which was conducted under Chatham House rules and included current and former officials as well as academics from Israel and NATO members—considered important, substantive questions of international law and cyber operations, including the rules and thresholds regarding sovereignty, force, countermeasures, and self-defense. Some of the most heated and productive debates, however, centered not on the answers to these questions but the best way to approach them.

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