Vermeer’s Camera: Uncovering the link between art criticism and cybersecurity

From: HelpNetSecurity

Chris Mayers, Chief Security Architect at Citrix

My mother is a lacemaker; thus, her attachment to the Vermeer painting of that name. It’s in the Louvre. If you only know it from reproductions, it’s smaller than you may expect – just 24.5cm by 21cm. Vermeer led me into the art of the past. Whatever first attracted me to his work – perhaps a sense of quiet mystery – is not dispelled by Philip Steadman’s book Vermeer’s Camera.


Cybersecurity and art forgery

With the startling price rises in the art market, the current interest in forgery is unsurprising. For more details on the forensics, consider developments in the case of the Cranach ‘Venus’. Art crime, in all its guises, is now big business. Forgers (always ‘sophisticated’ – just as hoaxes are always ‘ingenious’) are, in our terms, active adversaries. They know how art historians think. They subvert art historians’ aesthetic judgements. Yet scientific analysis and due diligence can help defeat them.

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