DoD Cyber Crime Conference Call for Papers

From: Armed With Science

The 12th Annual DoD Cyber Crime Conference, sponsored by the Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3), welcomes submission of abstracts for consideration to present a briefing, workshop, or panel discussion. In each of the last four years, we have had more than 220 speakers in 20+ concurrent track sessions. The deadline for abstract submissions is July 6, 2012.

Conferences that bring together government, academia, and industry are increasingly important as cyber criminals band together to access, gain control of, and manipulate the systems that store vital data. The conference provides an opportunity for cyber professionals to network and receive essential training in an open forum that promotes collaboration and innovation.

January’s conference will focus on developing the cyber workforce by setting the standard for degree certifications, validating credentials, and drawing in our talented youth through academic clubs and challenges.

Topics will focus on the areas of: Cyber Crime Investigations Digital Forensics Cyber Crime Law The Defense Industrial Base Information Assurance System Administration E-Discovery Research and Development

In addition to the conference, our Defense Computer Investigations Training Academy (DCITA) instructors provide four days of tremendous hands-on digital forensics training opportunities for attendees. These courses establish a multidisciplinary forum for information sharing, team building, and the development of innovative debate on cyber investigations, digital forensic techniques/technologies, and legal concerns.


July 6, 2012: Abstract Submissions Due Sept 5, 2012: Notification of Accepted Presentations Sept 21, 2012: Deadline for Presenters to Accept Speaking Invitation Nov 16, 2012: Briefing Materials Due (this includes PowerPoint Presentations, Whitepapers, and Videos)

We invite anyone interested in presenting or learning more about the conference to visit our website. We are looking forward to seeing you in January!

By Jim Christy (OSI Special Agent Ret.) Director of Futures Exploration at the Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3)


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