For contractors late on Kaspersky cleanup, DHS considers consequences

From: FCW

By Derek B. Johnson

Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen told lawmakers during a Senate Appropriations committee hearing that the Department of Homeland Security is looking to extend a ban on Kaspersky Lab products to federal contractors and third-party providers and floated the possibility of punishment for noncompliant companies.

Nielsen was questioned by Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), who has been one of the leading proponents of purging all traces of Kaspersky products from federal networks. Shaheen stated that DHS had recently confirmed that all federal agencies were in compliance with Binding Operational Directive 17-01, which instructed all agencies to put plans in place to identify and remove the company’s software from their networks.

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One response to “For contractors late on Kaspersky cleanup, DHS considers consequences”

  1. Sanitairllc says:

    Very informative post! With DHS extending the ban to third-party providers, do you think this will set a precedent for private sector companies to follow suit in removing Kaspersky software from their systems?

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