2 panels dive big-time into cybersecurity this week

From: Politico | Morning Cybersecurity


With help from Eric Geller

TWO COMMITTEES, FOUR EVENTS — The House Homeland Security and Government Oversight committees are going gangbusters on cybersecurity this week. Things kick off Tuesday morning when the Oversight panel holds a hearing titled “Cyber-Securing the Vote: Ensuring the Integrity of the U.S. Election System.” At the same time, the Homeland Security panel will mark up a baker’s dozen worth of bills, most notably H.R. 6443, which authorizes DHS’s Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program into law and insists that it keep pace with technological advancement as part of its mission to protect federal agency networks.

The parade of hearings from the two committees continues Wednesday. In the morning, the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection meets to discuss federal cybersecurity risk, focusing on a May Office of Management and Budget report that concluded three-quarters of federal agencies are at risk of failing their cybersecurity programs. In the afternoon, the Government Oversight Subcommittees on Government Operations and Information Technology hold a joint hearing on cybersecurity risk, too. Their focus will be on the Government Accountability Office’s designation of cybersecurity as a “high risk” area in the federal government.

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