EU official sizes up U.S. tech oversight

From: Politico | Morning Tech


With help from Eric Engleman and Steven Overly

EU JUSTICE CHIEF SIZES UP U.S. TECH OVERSIGHT — POLITICO Pro’s tech editor, Eric Engleman, joined his POLITICO Europe counterpart Nicholas Vinocur in Brussels this week for an interview with Vera Jourova, the European Union justice commissioner. She gave an update on Europe’s sweeping new privacy law — saying the first enforcement action could come as soon as this year— and revealed that the EU will soon move to rein in online political advertising, a debate that is already raging here in the U.S. Here are some additional highlights from Jourova and others:


— Jourova said she has encouraged the FTC to “hurry up” its investigation of the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal, to determine if the companies violated the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield agreement. “I was very urgent,” she said. “They know we are impatiently waiting for the results.” She said she’s pressed the issue with Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Commissioner Maureen Ohlhausen (when she was serving as acting chairman), as well as FTC Democratic Commissioner Rohit Chopra when he visited Brussels last month.

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