What’s next for data breach legislation?

From: Politico | Morning Cybersecurity


With help from Eric Geller and Martin Matishak

A BREACH OVER DATA BREACH — Amid a years-long standoff between rival industries and committees over federal data breach notification legislation, one House panel is plotting a move to go it alone — at least in the short run. Sometime this month, the House Financial Services panel might consider data breach notification and security legislation that applies only to the banking sector, a GOP committee aide told MC. The panel has been locked in an impasse with the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over the retail industry. That panel has typically written legislation more favorable to that sector; retailers have resisted proposals to make it adhere to the same security requirements as the financial services industry. Now, the Financial Services Committee wants to make some headway even if it has to do it by itself, using a modified existing draft bill written by Rep. Blaine Luetkeymeyer as a vehicle, the aide said.

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