What Feds Can Do to Guard Against DDoS Attacks and the Botnet Threat

From: FedTech

Distributed denial of service attacks are becoming more powerful, but the Departments of Commerce and Homeland Security have urged agencies to lead by example in combating them.

by Phil Goldstein


The rising prominence of botnets in DDoS attacks also prompted the federal government to take a stronger interest. President Donald Trump’s May 2017 executive order on cybersecurity directed the secretaries of Commerce and Homeland Security to lead “an open and transparent process to identify and promote action by appropriate stakeholders” that would improve the resilience of the internet and encourage collaboration around the goal of “dramatically reducing threats perpetrated by automated and distributed attacks (e.g., botnets).”

In late May, the departments of Commerce and Homeland Security issued a final report on the topic, which included numerous recommendations for agencies to take to mitigate DDoS attacks and botnet threats.

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