Bill Clinton: Over-Regulation Could Kill Blockchain’s ‘Golden Goose’

From: coin desk

Stan Higgins and David Floyd


Clinton remarked:

“The more you develop new technologies like blockchain … AI technologies, robotic technologies … the more the disparity of access is going to be felt.”

He also acknowledged the sentiment that new technologies can be abused, hinting at the concerns that cryptocurrencies can be used by terrorists or other criminals to launder money. Referring to similar concerns over technologies like the Global Positioning System (GPS), Clinton noted that “there needs to be an intelligent effort to identify the downsides” and that “you can’t apply [an] old regulatory regime to a new technology.”

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One response to “Bill Clinton: Over-Regulation Could Kill Blockchain’s ‘Golden Goose’”

  1. Randy White says:

    That’s true, but at the same time, this technology is getting widespread in other spheres as well, and I think there’s nothing wrong with it. Over time, it’ll be even more popular, and that’s the reason many people read articles like to understand how everything works and learn the basics.

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