Goldman’s top cybersecurity official complains about patchwork of laws, says he spends too much time talking to regulators

From: CNBC

  • Goldman Sachs’ top cybersecurity official said Tuesday that too many regulators from state, local and international governments, are taking resources away from cybersecurity teams.
  • Andy Ozment, chief information security officer at Goldman, is one of the most influential voices in financial services cybersecurity.


“What’s frustrating for me is how much of my time, my team’s time and my resources are spent on having to answer a never-ending stream of regulator requests,” said Andy Ozment. “In my mind, it’s a distraction away from cybersecurity.”

Companies must comply with regulations in each country they operate, and those rules can differ dramatically. Also, in the United States, there is no federal data breach notification law, and companies must comply with different notification laws across all 50 states. Governments could do a better job of streamlining these many different and sometimes competing interests, he said.

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