Why privacy regulations are no longer a pipe dream

From: Axios


4. The White House got interested. Staffers in the National Economic Council recognized the global swirl around data privacy and began meeting with major corporations to get feedback on a potential privacy framework.

5. States took matters into their own hands. California passed a law putting restrictions on Google, Facebook and other companies in the business of gathering data directly from consumers. Vermont also passed its own privacy law this year aimed at data brokers.

  • That patchwork of different rules makes it tough for internet companies to do business across states — so they’d rather have a national law to pre-empt the states.

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One response to “Why privacy regulations are no longer a pipe dream”

  1. Carol Foster says:

    Privacy regulations are increasingly becoming a reality rather than a distant hope due to growing concerns over data privacy and security. Governments around the world are enacting stringent laws to protect individuals’ personal information from misuse and exploitation by companies. With high-profile data breaches and scandals making headlines, consumers are demanding greater transparency and control over their data, prompting regulators to take action. As technology Ramen bet continues to advance and data becomes more valuable than ever, robust privacy regulations are essential to safeguarding individuals’ rights and restoring trust in digital services.

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