Getting Cyber Serious: Mastering the Challenges of Federal Cloud Computing

Editor’s Note:  The complete Heritage report on cloud computing is attached below.

From: Heritage Foundation

By Steven Bucci, Ph.D.

Abstract: The federal government could realize significant savings by migrating many information technology functions to the cloud. While the government should take full advantage of the advantages of cloud computing, it should take care to avoid common cloud computing pitfalls. Congress and the Administration also need to update the laws on cybersecurity, privacy, and information, which have become outdated.

Cloud computing is an emerging idea that seeks to replace the large databases and servers maintained by many companies and government agencies with Internet-based solutions. The private sector has increasingly adopted this idea, and the federal government has shown interest because of potential cost savings and security benefits.

With potential savings of more than $10 billion in information technology (IT) budgets, it was inevitable that the Obama Administration would pursue cloud computing for the federal government. However, Congress and the Administration should move forward carefully and deliberately to avoid potential pitfalls. If done correctly, federal migration to cloud computing offers streamlined efficiency that would make better use of U.S. tax dollars.

Getting Cyber Serious


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