GAO: Cyber Threats Facilitate Ability to Commit Economic Espionage

GAO testified before Congress (testimony attached below) on “(1) cyber threats facing the nation’s systems, (2) reported cyber incidents and their impacts, (3) security controls and other techniques available for reducing risk, and (4) the responsibilities of key federal entities in support of protecting IP [intellectual property].”

GAO testified that,

In summary, the ongoing efforts to steal U.S. companies’ intellectual property and other sensitive information are exacerbated by the ever-increasing prevalence and sophistication of cyber-threats facing the nation. Recently reported incidents show that such actions can have serious impact not only on individual businesses, but on private citizens and the economy as a whole.

The testimony concluded that

effective coordination among federal agencies responsible for protecting IP and defending against cyber-threats, as well as effective public-private partnerships, are essential elements of any nationwide effort to protect America’s businesses and economic security.

GAO.Cyber Threats Facilitate Ability to Commit Economic Espionage


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