Relocation of and Spectrum Sharing by Federal Government Stations – Technical Panel and Dispute Resolution Board

Editor’s Note:  An advance copy of the NTIA proposed rule to be published in tomorrow’s Federal Register is attached here.  Comments are due within 15 days following NPRM publication.

From: Department of Commerce/National Telecommunications and Information Administration

ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.

SUMMARY: The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) proposes to adopt regulations governing the Technical Panel and dispute resolution boards established by Congress to facilitate the relocation of, and spectrum sharing with, U.S. Government stations in spectrum bands reallocated from Federal use to non-Federal use or to shared use. This action is necessary to ensure the timely relocation of Federal entities’ spectrum related operations and, where applicable, the timely implementation of arrangements for the sharing of radio frequencies. Specifically, this action would implement certain additions and modifications to the NTIA Organization Act through the recent enactment of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012.


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