Senator Mikulski: The Collins-Lieberman cyber security bill and NATO

From: Atlantic Council

From Barbara Mikulski, Office of Senator Mikulski:  I really worry about the possibility of an attack. We know that  there are already attacks going on, particularly in our financial  services. We know that our personal identity is being hacked. We know  that small businesses are being attacked.

But not only do I worry about an attack, I equally worry about our  inertia, where we do nothing. I bring to the attention of the Senate and  all who are watching that Leon Panetta, the Secretary of Defense, has  called our cyber vulnerability our potential “digital Pearl Harbor.” We  don’t want a digital Pearl Harbor. We can act now. We can act when it is  within our power to protect, defend and deter these attacks. That’s  what I want. I want us to have a sense of urgency. I want us to go to  the edge of our chair. I want to do our best thinking to be able to do  the kind of job we need to do in order to find a sensible center on how  we can do that.

Right now, our adversaries are watching us. We’re debating  protecting America from cyber-attacks, and it looks like we’re doing  nothing. . . .

We saw an attack on a little country called Estonia. As a member of the  Intelligence Committee, it was brought to my attention that Estonia, a  brave little country that resisted communism, now part of NATO who had  challenged the Soviet Union, was being attacked more than five years  ago. The electricity was going off around Estonia. We thought in the  Intel Committee that it was going to be the first cyber-attack on a NATO  nation and we were going to trigger the NATO charter article five, that  an attack on one is an attack on all. But thanks to the United States  of America and our great British allies, we had the technical know-how  to go in and help them. But who is going to have the technical know-how  to come in and help us?

Excerpts from remarks by Senator Barbara Mikulski on the floor of the Senate on “Urgent Need to Pass Cybersecurity Legislation.”


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