iEHR GUI will be based on Janus

From: FierceGovernmentIT

By Molly Bernhart Walker

The forthcoming integrated electronic health record, or iEHR,  will use Janus as the basis for its graphical user interface, said the  interagency program office in a statement relayed by Veterans Affairs  Spokesperson Josephine Schuda.

During an Aug. 2 press  call, VA Chief Information Officer Roger Baker said, “Janus is the early  implementation of [the GUI] for the iEHR and will be part of the iEHR.”

Janus, a joint VA-Defense Department interface used at a limited number of  facilities, provides a combined view of DoD’s Composite Health Care System and  VA’s VistA Computerized Patient Record System, according  to the VA-DoD Pacific Joint Information Technology Center.

The Janus-based GUI is being piloted at Tripler Army Medical Center and Spark  M. Matsunaga VA Medical Center in Honolulu, the James A. Lovell Federal Health  Care Center in North Chicago, and the Palo Alto, Calif. VA Medical Center, said  the IPO. The Palo Alto facility was not part of the initial GUI pilot outlined  by Baker in May 2011.

During a July 25 House hearing, VA Secretary Eric Shinseki said  he and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta saw a demo of the interface at the North  Chicago facility in May 2012. “It is impressive, and it represents a major step  forward for the iEHR,” he said.

The next step, said the IPO, is to stand up a commercially-available  framework that will allow different interface applications, “called portlets” to  plug into the portal backbone. The portlets will be standards-based,  modular and some may be open source, said the IPO statement.

“The current user interface implemented under Janus is aimed at the clinical  outpatient side of things,” explained Baker. “What they’re working on right now  is, in effect, an iEHR portal that will have a variety of different ways of  interacting with the data.”

The portlets may provide a mental health interface, emergency room interface  or a surgery interface, said Baker.

“There’s a lot of development to go,” he said. The GUI “is the area that is  most amenable to change and advancement and other people participating in.”

The final version of the GUI will be in place for the iEHR’s initial  operating capability in fiscal 2014, said the IPO in a statement.

For more: – listen  to the press call


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