Federal Records Management to Move to Cloud

Editor’s Note:  OMB and the National Archives and Records Administration has issued a Directive on Managing Government Records to all Executive Branch agencies attached here.  Among the Directive’s provisions is the requirement note that agencies “Embed records management requirements into cloud architectures and other Federal IT systems and commercially-available products.”  The Directive states that:

By December 31 , 2013 , NARA will incorporate into existing reporting requirements an annual agency update on new cloud initiatives, including a description of how each new initiative meets Federal Records Act obligations and the goals outlined in this Directive. For the initial report the agency will identify any existing use of cloud services or storage, and the date of implementation.

The Directive explains that:

By the next revision of OMB Circular A-130, OMB will update A-130 to explicitly require that agencies must incorporate records management requirements when moving to cloud-based services or storage solutions.

The Directive is also looking for cloud-based solutions for storing and managing unclassified records:

By December 31,2013, NARA will determine the feasibility of establishing a secure cloud-based service to store and manage unclassified electronic records on behalf of agencies. This basic, shared service will adhere to NARA records management regulations and provide standards and tools to preserve records and make them accessible within their originating agency until NARA performs disposition.

Also of note, the Directive explains that NARA will be working with industry to develop products/services to meet federal needs for automated records management:

NARA, the Federal Chief Information Officers Council and the Federal Records Council will work with private industry and other stakeholders to produce economically viable automated records management solutions. By December 31 , 2013, NARA will produce a comprehensive plan in collaboration with its stakeholders to describe suitable approaches for the automated management of email, social media, and other types of digital record content, including advanced search techniques. The plan will detail expected outcomes and outline potential associated risks.



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