GAO: Improvement Needed in Mitigating Risks in Navy Next Gen Enterprise Network (NGEN)

Editor’s Note:  The GAO Report, “Next Generation Enterprise Network: Navy Implementing Revised Approach, but Improvement Needed in Mitigating Risks” is attached here.

From: GAO

What GAO Found

While the Department of the Navy (DON) has revised its acquisition approach for its new network system, the Next Generation Enterprise Network (NGEN), it still has not shown that it has selected the most cost-effective approach for acquiring NGEN capabilities. Cost effectiveness is shown by comparing life-cycle costs and quantifiable and nonquantifiable benefits among alternatives, which can be accomplished by conducting a thorough analysis of alternatives. GAO previously identified weaknesses with the NGEN analysis of alternatives related to cost estimates and analysis of operational effectiveness and made associated recommendations. However, DON did not revisit the analysis of alternatives to address the weaknesses previously identified, nor did it conduct any other analysis that would show whether its revised approach is the most cost effective. For example, while DON developed a draft economic analysis in February 2012, the analysis assessed only the status quo and revised approach, and not other alternatives. As a result, GAO remains concerned with the analysis measuring NGEN cost effectiveness and DON does not know whether its revised approach for acquiring NGEN is the most cost effective.

Even though DON lacks assurance that it is pursuing the most cost-effective approach to acquiring NGEN capabilities, it has moved forward with implementing its revised approach. For example, the agency has completed activities to support the acquisition and transition to NGEN, prepared plans and analyses required for program initiation, and conducted oversight reviews to support the release of the request for proposals for transport and enterprise services (secure data and e-mail services, among other things). However, the program’s schedule for acquiring NGEN capabilities has been delayed, thus making it more likely that DON will not be able to fully transition by the end of the continuity of services contract in April 2014. For example, the release of the request for proposals was delayed, and upcoming milestones, such as contract award and program initiation, have slipped (see table for major delays). Program officials attributed the delays to the need for additional planning and to revisions to the request for proposals. Compounding this situation is that identified risks are not being adequately mitigated. For example, not all mitigation plans are comprehensive because they do not always include all the elements of an effective plan (e.g., identification of resources needed) nor do they always contain the current status of the mitigation actions. According to program officials, weaknesses in these mitigation plans were due, in part, to the lack of a priority in establishing and maintaining comprehensive and current mitigation plans. As a result, the program faces an increased probability that transition from its existing system to NGEN will face further delays and cost overruns.

What GAO Recommends

GAO is recommending that Defense develop comprehensive risk mitigation plans for program-wide risks. In its comments, Defense concurred with GAO’s recommendation and noted that it will continue to build on efforts to improve NGEN risk mitigation.


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